To create a link in the shoutbox to an external web page, video or image, you must first copy the URL you are linking to. Once you have highlighted and copied the web page URL (address), use the following code to place the link into your shoutbox message:


(Example... fill in the blanks above.)

Copy and paste the web page URL in place of the "webaddress".

for example:

(Be sure to include "http://" or "https://" in your address.)

will show the following link in the message:


The URL must be exact so that the web page loads when a user clicks the link you are creating. The NameOfLink is any name you assign to the link. If you are creating a link to a news article, then you can simply put "Article" as the name of your link. When you click a link, a new page will open to display the new web page.

You can also link to pictures or a page with a picture in it. If you want the picture only, the address would end in .BMP .JPG .GIF .PNG or similar image extension.


To add an image in the shoutbox, you must first copy the URL (web address) of the image. Only images that are on the web can be used. Images from your hard drive cannot be used. Once you have highlighted and copied the web page URL (www address), use the following code to place the image into your shoutbox message:


(Example... fill in the blank above.)

for example:

(Be sure to include "http://" or "https://" in your address.)

will show the following image in the message:


To add a sound in the shoutbox, you must first copy the URL (web address) of the sound. Only sound files that are on the web can be used. Sounds from your hard drive cannot be used. Once you have highlighted and copied the web page URL (www address), use the following code to place the sound into your shoutbox message:


(Example... fill in the blank above.)

for example:

(Be sure to include "http://" or "https://" in your address.)

will show the following sound in the message:

Description: Code:
bold text [b]
end bold [/b]
italic text [i]
end italic [/i]
underline text [u]
end underline [/u]
carriage return (new line) [br]
orange text [orange]
red text [red]
blue text [blue]
green text [green]
gray text [gray]
white text [w]
end font color (back to black) [/f]
larger red font [big]
move across screen to the right (text or emoticons) [move]
end move [/move]
• bullet item ^